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issue_ comment_ Shaj Miah discuss_variable_ Nature Vs. Nurture

static_ Personal Insight; FROM Physical, Emotional-Intellectual && Spiritual entitiy. temp_restruct_issue_ "Nature AND Nurture". -non vs.

point_ Nurture couldn't have taken a place without Nature_we would even exist right now to even speak && Nature couldn't have taken a place without Nurtures Consciousness.

Subject_ (Mulfunctions, Inheritance, Infections, Accidents, Inhalation- environment, Pesonal/Social Attitude-psycology, mentality/State of Mind Development)

Desease is an internal malfunction. I couldn't say much about it; possible millions of ways of why, when or how it could have occured. It also depends on genes; injury, food comsumtion && psycological conditions that may interrupt basic gene state development/adaptation interrupt.

Food is power. Bangladesh is a place where food isn't properly distributed; therefore why people die from mal-nutrition. Most people are happy with minimal things && live a good life without any major complaints or fuss. Having an open heart helps. Being cold, harsh, mean, doesnt help personal development -that goes against personal grain. Love helps everything; it may cure major psycological issues.

There's no such thing as gay genes. You may know that you may have gays in the family; but that's just knowing and believing. Gaism is inherited from ancient culture, sexual abuse, verbal abuse and other supressions. Where an indivual may dig in and justify it from history. Who wouldn't want a male figure to be dominent. We're a social icon of getting things straight; where we are phycally, mentally and emotionally strong. Overtime; it becomes a mentality of gays who are unble to intake social motor functions to function with others or find it boring, silly from disgust. You may call it rebel or being normal in culture.

Addiction may be inherited; then again it depends on what you were taught; or personaly believed and proceeded. I'd say don't preassue youself with anything that isn't an issue. Remember, alcohol was illigal. Now it being free; you have to make your own choice. It's up to a person to control themselves. They may experience withdrawl; at that time it may be good to get into sports, track, drawing, writing and other means of self expression.

Childhood Development is the most important part of the root of the mind. You may always change your ways; cut denial; accept and adapt; when you feel comfort; you may proceed. One bear step at a time for grizzleys.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Nature_versus_nurture"

Manifest Percultion.



$Sevendust = this -> $song_ Denial. $Lyric = "Never say that to me all I hear is Steam.

$Manifestation (

[guitar]         = "092384934";
[drums]          = "304583505";
[bass]           = "304503495";
[dreadlocks]     = "0955-3049";
[normalpeopleid] = "893458934";
[passa porte]    = "023203498";
[socatoa]        = "020340348";


hash_algorithm(); $var1 = push -> $Manifestation -> function_contruct_ -> $_current_events. $var2 = pull() => push(); execute sequence_ $var1(), $var1();

result_ 0;

time_reverse_: 0; time_lapse_ -: 09340942; time_forward_: -2309402983492023509579308048-3082-9534583450938983405830945832052-852-523 x 3459209483024823-4982-394823948;

motion_status_ :good; rotation_status_ :good; homostatus_ :good;

After all.


the world needs <3; a whole lot. How long can to extend such manner. It will only deplete the self motive; people need to attain success for their families. I hope we can all get along one day.

