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A tortillon, a drawing tool used to smudge
A tortillon being used to blend

A tortillon (/tɔːrˈtjɒn/; also blending stump) is a cylindrical drawing tool, tapered at the end and usually made of rolled paper, used by artists to smudge or blend marks made with charcoal, Conté crayon, pencil or other drawing utensils.[1]

A blending stump is similar to a tortillon but is longer, more tightly wrapped, and pointed at both ends. Tortillons produce slightly different textures than stumps when blending, and they also are hollow, as opposed to stumps being solid.[2]

Cleaning of tortillons and stumps usually involves removing the used outer layer of paper by scraping or rubbing the implement on an abrasive surface, such as sandpaper, carpet, rubber erasers, or an emery board.[3] Some people also whittle off the tip if it becomes dull, or mashed in. The thicker the tortillion, the larger the shaded lines are. To use a tortillion, rub the end on a piece of paper(with drawing.) Making a tortillion is easy. Cut a paper diagonally, roll each piece, and secure with tape. Tortillions are also very cheap. One tortillion should be about 6$ or so.

Template:An artist uses a tortillion when shading- A blending stump is more stumpy, and is used for less precise work on art.


  1. ^ "Definition of TORTILLON". Merriam-Webster. 2024-01-02. Retrieved 2024-01-07.
  2. ^ Starforth, Tammy (2022-07-25). "How To Clean A Blending Stump Without Sandpaper?". Wayne Arthur Gallery. Retrieved 2024-01-07.
  3. ^ "What's That Thing? Tortillons". The Art League. 2015-10-14. Retrieved 2024-01-07.

Wikihow: Tortillion Youtube: Tortillion art.com