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Wikipedia:Categories for deletion/Category:People known in connection with misdeeds or punishment

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The following discussion comes from Wikipedia:Categories for deletion, where it is currently listed as unresolved. It may be reviewed again in the future in the light of evolving standards and guidelines for categorization.

For a general discussion on how to apply categorization to people: see: Wikipedia:Categorization of people (and its discussion page).

[Misplaced nomination by Netoholic @ moved here, since the issues are completely separate from the ones stated in the nomination under which it first appeared.]

It was around 100, and growing by several a day, when i started consolidating its kids into these subcats, and some lower descendants of Category:People. Now, i don't especially like any of those names. But that's not the reason we began discussing deletion of any of them. I or you disliking them is relevant only because i've suggested something marginally better for two of them. You do the same, and i'll be silent at worst -- or maybe audibly admiring, if you exceed marginal improvement. --Jerzy(t)
I think you've pointed out an underlying problem here, which is that Category:People as a huge dump bin to collect all the people mentioned in WP is preposterous. It would be like Category:Things or Category:Words (P.S.: or Category:Books—see listing below). And I appreciate that you are only trying to alleviate that problem. The subcategories under debate are probably no worse than just leaving all the people undifferentiated in the parent category. I could hope there might be better ways to split the subcategories, but perhaps any way we split something as vast and vague as this would introduce arbitrary and unwieldy judgments. I would hope more strongly that we could abandon the whole notion of an omnibus people-listing category as unworkable. WP has not yet appreciated, but I think it will, that successful categories are really about concepts, not about lists. Your efforts are commendable, but, I don't know, maybe if we don't create temporary alleviating subcategories to this monstrosity the misconceived thing will fail under its own weight all the sooner. --Gary D 02:13, 1 Sep 2004 (UTC)
P.S. Just to see, I took a look at Abraham Lincoln, and found him categorized six times under "people-list" categories. At that, he hasn't yet been categorized as a speechwriter or a tall person or an honest person or a woodsman or a husband or a lawyer, so there could be twenty five more people-list categories coming to cover him, or twenty five hundred more. List taxonomy gone mad. So I'm not complaining about your efforts, Jerzy, you're rushing around trying to put fingers in the dike, and that's an admirable effort. It's just that this sucker's gonna blow completely—as it should. --Gary D 02:23, 1 Sep 2004 (UTC)
  • Support keeping this one unless or until a better scheme comes along. Jerzy is doing good work. Yes, we can probably improve this even more, but deleting this category without improving it would be a step backward. anthony (see warning) 22:04, 2 Sep 2004 (UTC)
(OOPS just discovered this suggestion by Beland, after having created a new "wikipedia:" article: Wikipedia:Categorization of people- Beland, could you say what to do best now?) --Francis Schonken 13:24, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Cool; Wikipedia:Categorization of people is a good place. -- Beland 05:44, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)
  • In the meantime, "Justice system people" might be more concise (though Pirates would be booted out; maybe they could join Defectors, who were apparently but not suprisingly not invited in the first place). But the long, flowing category names are so cool. -- Beland 06:50, 3 Sep 2004 (UTC)