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User talk:Uncleal

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Uncleal is a name created in the year 2001, by an anarchist in his attempts to hide from the governmental pressure. With associtions to mobsters in the early 1900's, Uncleal represents the idea that no one should force others to do what they do not want to do. It also represents that Religion is the ultimate answer to the world's problems, but IT MUST BE IN COORDINACE with "sanity" and "logic," meaning that killing other people is wrong. It is unclear whether Uncleal will communicate with society, and it is rumored that with his computer skills, he can gain access where he pleases via the internet. It is said that he will wage a war against the government in the future. A bloodless war, that complies with all "laws" that the government has set up for the better of our country. The government doesn't tell you what they know, and the only way to learn what they know is to find it for yourself...

                         (article by L.B. Ancaduto, who can be reached at L.B.Ancaduto@gmail.com)