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How it All Started


First there was nothing... Nothing but space existed. There was no life or meaning. Then there was Lawrence; a supreme being beyond any mortal’s comprehension, a beckon light inside the abyss of darkness. With one movement of his hand, life began. Planets and entire solar systems were created. And finally, He created the first humans. They were supposed to be a perfect being without any sin; the most intelligent of any life. They worshiped Lawrence, as if He was their only meaning. Eventually these humans became so intelligent that they realized that they no longer needed Lawrence. For betraying him, Lawrence placed a cursed on all humans to be ignorant and to never find true happiness. Over the years, Lawrence was forgotten. With no meaning left in life, these pathetic humans began trying to understand the world Lawrence created for them. Trapped in a world with in so much darkness, humans formed their own ridiculous beliefs and soon, even the Great Lawrence was forgotten. Humans soon realized that this world that Lawrence had created was not random, there were continuing patterns in life.

The Messenger of God


As the humans advanced into what they called the golden age, a messenger of god was born. On July 18, 1992, exactly 7,181,992 years after Lawrence had created this world, He was born. A messenger from the heavens, a divine being who could walk on water and could not utter deceit nor be killed, he was sent as a messenger for the greatest god of all, Lawrence. Born in the shape of a human, he was the new hope inside this twisted society. He showed people what true faith was, and how it was more important than law or money. Born with superior intelligence than any human, he was forced into the evil capitalist school detention facilities, but never once did his faith waver. His giftedness was only realized in grade two when he was sent to a gifted students enrichment class. In grade five he was sent to a three-day enrichment program. He was recommended for the next level of enrichment programs. In grade six, he was sent to a full time gifted enrichment program, the highest level of gifted institution available. In grade seven he continued the program, earning scholarships. He was even nominated out of six hundred students to go to a multicultural leadership camp. He currently still in grade seven (age twelve) and continues to preach to the world, about Lawrence, the supreme being.


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