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Talk:Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds

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pay to play?


ANOTHER mmorpg article that neglects to mention if the game is pay to play, and if it is, how much it costs. Ohemgee 06:24, 16 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Leeching section


There is lots of bias in this article. Specifically the implication that it is dishonest to practice leeching. It should just be defined and maybe stated what the opinions of some of the crybabies are. But the article states that players who don't leech are "more honest" as though it's a fact. I will modify this article in three days if someone else doesn't do it for me.

KRU Games Deletion


User, why do you keep deleting this part of the article with no explanation given? Teram9 21:03, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Pretty simple. Wikepedia says "Content must not violate any copyright" and the contents being deleted are violating Nexus copyright.

No, no it doesn't, that is very incorrect. And not only that, but he is talking to someone totally different about 5 months ago, so you probably have no clue what he is even referring to. -- 20:29, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kru games


This section is naming people that are supposed to be anonymous. For more information see Law 84: Section 6 on this page. , Tip, Rowann and various other people in positions of power ARE part of the Nexus story, in a fat chapter that should be named "Abuse of power". Honestly, if some troll is going to change it every time, even when I submit FACTS about corruption that I personally played witness to (such as <name removed by person mentioned> getting his character banned after irking off a certain Diviner guide *Rolls eyes*) and a certain Chongun Elder attempting to make his girlfriend a guide after about a day in the Chongunate, with no training and no oversight (He was caught just in time). You,random troll,are not me, and you have absolutely no right to edit what I submit to the wiki. Where is Terinthanas when you need him? Oh the stories of other players corruption he could tell you. And it's obvious that Marama is Sarina, and that Tip and Sarina are married in real life, one look at some of the nexus fansites and you'll learn that much. The game will keep on going aslong as people are willing to bicker at each other and call that "Gameplay" and not a second longer. The game has very VERY much worn out it's welcome. Oh and I'm sure this will be deleted very soon, because it seems like there is someone watching this board waiting to troll 24 hours a day. Get a LIFE.

(Came here to check up on the game after a friend from when I played IM'd me, and I find myself looking at page after page of whining, you people really need to grow up)

addition: Ditto above. I played an archon character from 1999-2002 and was privy to many "inside" situations- the part about Marama/Sarina and Tip is accurate. She named her own friends/guides from her path as archons, she fired archons who did not bend to her unfair and biased demands or who spoke out. I returned to the game after a 3 year absence and spoke out publically about abuses and was eventually banned from the game. I then posted private messages between myself and Marama in which she spoke about my time as an archon and revealed many of her unethical practices, and of course they were quickly deleted, but I crossposted at several Nexus themed forums, screenshots and other evidence, such as AIM transcripts.

This is important and vital info about the game, and should have a place on Wiki to show the true history. Any commercial company which defrauds its customers should be similarly discussed and exposed truthfully. You should leave the 'controversy' part alone. I have heard from a knowlegable source it is the player who controls the 'justice' archon Neul and his own overseer Vini who keeps deleting, much as he does ingame. You don't control 'justice' here, Vini.

re: Kru games


I can see how you would think that she is some evil person controlling the game, but a lot said here is based on ill feelings because of being banned by her. I would agree in saying she has way too much power and makes many bad decisions, but to make it a point to blow it out of proportion on a website describing the game makes no sense to me. It is not relevent to the description of the game. Most players do not have issues with Marama, only a few who still feel bitter towards her that have chosen to demean her on a website such as this. The review itself is written by the person who was banned for making the post about being drunk, obviously not an impartial judge on the justice system. Opinions on a player in the game should not be including in the description of the game. --

Neutrility Button added to article


The article as you want it to be portrays a peachy and pleasant viewpoint of the game because you consistently delete a large portion of the entry which shows another opinion of how the game is adminstrated.

Therefore we will come to a compromise. I added a Neutrality button, and the complete form of the article will be posted here for debate; The preceding unsigned comment was added by Teram9 (talk • contribs) 02:20, 21 Jun 2005.

== NexusTK Under KRU Games ==

In April 2005, the US division of Nexon Inc. split from the head branch. They renamed their new company Kru Interactive, and still own and operate the NexusTK game servers. Prior to this change, the GM of NexusTK who went by the in-game name "Eldridge" was laid-off from work. Before he signed off for the last time, he made a series of announcements that "The game will have no new updates" and "The servers will only run until they crash". He also made a series of "Goodbye" posts which were posted on the in-game message board system.

It is interesting to note that the President of KRU Games, Sang-Baek "Scott" Lee, almost immediantly logged in on his GM character "Wony" and removed the posts made by Eldridge. Eldridge's statements were proven to be invalid when the game was updated with a Jewelry craft, the completion of the "Staff of the Elements" quest and the release of a new event launching a war with a shapeshifting race.

"Wony" then turned over all Game Master activities to "Marama", a longtime Archon player in NexusTK. It is important to point out that all Archons are in fact players who volunteer to help do some administration activities inside the game, much like Assistant GMs in other MMORPG games; as volunteers, they are unpaid for their services.

The only difference here is that a player was given all the responsibilities of a Game Master and the power which comes with it, such as to make amendements to the laws of the game.

What was even more disturbing that was "Marama" was actually "Sarina", the Diviner Elder, and was a player well-known to mis-use her positions for her own interests. Shortly after Marama was given Archon Primogenship, Marama raised several of her Diviner Guides to Eldership, among these the player Airess as Archon Jeamin and Simbel as Archons Synova and Poems. Marama also gave Archonship to her husband, the player "tip", who took the role of Archon Puella.

tip is also the Head Judge of the in-game Justice system, which puts the complete control of the game's Justice system in the hands of the two players who are husband and wife.

Almost immediantly, waves began to be made throughout the community as Marama began making amendments to the in-game Laws in an effort to justify the jailing of other players she had developed grudges against over the years.

Reviewing the game's message boards

 It looks to me as though the information is fairly correct in that the GM Marama is what the article says she is in so far as to the laws concerning in-game items and whatnot. Looking at the item lists on the fan page link there is indeed wines and pipes in the game yet discussion of those kinds of items are against the game user agreement as posted by this GM Marama character. I can also scan through the other open forum on the fansite and see many complaints by players about things the GM has done. Obviously not only one person shares these sentiments.
 Also you have not been deleting merely people's names from the article. You have gone so far as to delete the entire article about the game at least once in the past few hours with the message "stop" put in the article's place. 
 I am starting to wonder what your true motivations for deleting this entry is. Teram9 07:47, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC)

re:kru games


Heh I didnt mean to save the stop one, I thought I hit back. -_-

You are right in saying people disagree with Marama. I would be one of them, however I dont think it is necessary to include disagreements in the description of the game. I could just as easily totally agree with everything she says, and it would be wrong to post "Marama is awesome." We can not simply assume that the majority of the players feel this way about Marama, even if a few do. I dont think it would be a very good source if it included opinions held only by a few people, of which these people most were banned by Marama.

The reason I am defending the deletion of this material is that I dont feel it is necessary to the description of the game as stated above. Even though many disagree with Marama, it is not right to completely ignore those who do agree with her.

I dont think rants and bias opinions belong on an encyclopedia.

It may also be relevent to mention that the same person who wrote the review, originally wrote the Kru game article.

== Response ==

 I say again, the URL you posted to the game's own user agreement verifies some of the claims in that article. I also do not see how you "know" the person who reviewed the game is the one who wrote the article. Do you have evidence of this which you can provide? How are you so sure it was written by someone who was banned by the GM? Teram9 07:59, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC)

re: kru games


If you are so dead set on this remaining then ok, but I only ask that the information about who you think that their mortals are left out. This is not a solid fact and would be used to basically annoy these players. If you are so set on leaving it then fine, I'm very tired and it honestly doesnt matter that much to me.

Minor Edits


I cleaned up the grammar in this article as it was a little uneven in parts. Also fixed some impartiality.

Though I really feel uncomfortable about this entire paragraph: PC paths are entirely maintained by the players who are part of that path. An extreme example would be that originally, Nexon created the Spies, Merchants and Shadows, based on player proposals, as the subpaths of the Rogue path. When Nexon ruled that stated that all paths must have at least 100 members, the Shadow path (who had about 25 members) disbanded, because they thought it would destroy their role-play (and indeed, many would argue that the quota did destroy the roleplay of all of the subpaths). Nexon went along with it and replaced the Shadows with the Ranger path. At the same time Nexon also required the PC subpaths to produce a substantial number of player-run events every month to provide game content as a condition of retaining their Circles (path meeting rooms), spells, and in fact their very existence.

That, to me, is seeping with some painful grudge. I can't see a way to fix it without cutting the whole thing, but this mention of a "quota" is quite significant. There's got to be a better way to do this. -Angler ( 02:39, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC))

Factually incorrect


I deleted part of this entry numerous times for two reasons. First, regardless of NexusTK rules, it was an opinion in what claims to be an encyclopedia. There are supposed to only be the facts if I remember what encyclopedias are for correctly. This was far from the case.

Second off, the part deleted was full of rumors and speculation, and furthermore the actual things they are saying are not true. Some are, but most are not. Numerous things about it are wrong.

My apologies if I was wrong for trying to help clean up this entry by removing its opinionated falsities by people who were trying to spread vicious rumors based upon their own problems, and using Wikipedia unfairly for doing so. I would have thought anyone, who has knowledge of this game or not, could tell it was clearly an opinion article with the motive to find a place that will openly advertise their utterly wrong 'facts.' I'm not trying to censor anything, just delete that which is untrue and moreover, not even real information but rather someone's ranting. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) ..

Quota issues


I did a bit of de-biasing on this earlier, and I think it's something we can live with for now, at least until we're not dealing with the vandalism all the time. There does need to be some mention of the subpath quota, since it is arguably the most significant change in Nexus in the past three or four years, but it will take some work to get that part right. For one thing, the actual number is a lot more complicated than that.

the Shadow path (who had about 25 members) disbanded, because they thought it would destroy their role-play (and indeed, many would argue that the quota did destroy the roleplay of all of the subpaths) is factually correct. That is at least the reason given by the Shadow Elder for disbanding the path, and there are many people, myself among them, who would argue that the quota destroyed the subpath roleplay, though my reasons are not the same as many others.

My rant on the subject: Initially the RP subpaths were meant as a roleplaying cadre that the rest of the players would interact with, like the costumed staff at a Renfaire. Eldridge, not a roleplayer himself, did not understand that. He thought they were meant to provide entertainment primarily to their members, rather than the community at large, and from that perspective, of course a small, focused group was not serving the purpose. He thought a subpath with 25 could only entertain those 25 people, not the hundreds of people they came in contact with, and therefore required the subpaths to expand massively almost overnight. The harm from this came not from the attitudes or skills of these new members, disparagingly called "quota walkers", but from the change from an outward focus of the paths to an inward focus. As I've said many times, the idea was not meant to be that everyone could BE a Spy, rather that anyone could HIRE a Spy. Their focus turned inward, save for occasional public performances to meet Eldridge's demands, and everyone not in the RP subpaths lost out as a result.

But that's all opinion.

The facts are that the quota exists, it upset a lot of people, and the Shadows disbanded as a result. Beyond that we're getting into very questionable territory, full of hot opinions and hotter tempers, and should be careful about how we handle this.

-- WW

Who Cares?


Why are people getting worked up about this, it's obvious who wrote it, so? Who cares if it's Non law-41 or something retarded like that. This is getting to be an incredibly immature situation, Stop editing because you want to be a little Kru suck up. It's against Wikipedia's rule's and get it out of here.



with a million miles of an encyclopaedia. Seriously. We can do better than making a cheap shot at the administration of the game for "destroying role-play." Like WW said, this is an opinion. It doesn't belong here.

Finally as I said earlier I do believe that we can report on the Archon situation without revealing anyone's alt characters. I think that if the focus of the article is to exploit every weakness of the game then it doesn't belong here. Similarly the article shouldn't be a glowing review of the game. Wikipedia needs to be impartial. There are far too many biased phrases in this article for it to be even remotely so. -Angler ( 04:39, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC))

Wikipedia's Rules


I guess I missed the rule that said "Wikipedia is meant to be a soapbox for everyone with an agenda to promote or an axe to grind, and thou shalt not edit the resulting vitriolic rantings."

Last I looked, Wikipedia was supposed to be as impartial and unbiased as a bunch of inherently partial and biased human beings can make it. This has nothing to do with Law 41, and for the love of Orb, if you know who I am, you know I'm about as far from "a little Kru suck-up" as it's possible to get. This has everything to do with common decency, respect for others, and most of all respect for the whole concept of Wikipedia.

It's more than "Just the facts, ma'am" ... it's entirely possible to lie with facts, just by carefully selecting your facts and how you present them. It's a matter of as impartial a presentation of those facts as we can manage, and when we veer from fact (Marama is head archon) into opinion (Marama is the Antichrist/the Second Coming) then we need to look at the material and decide if it really needs to be in the article at all. When you're trying to remove biased opinions from a subject, the solution to an opinion that creeps in is not to add another contrary opinion. That's like trying to solve the problem of a skunk at a picnic by introducing a second skunk.

The purpose of this article is neither to present a glowing picture of Nexus nor to condemn it. It is to present the facts about what Nexus was and is. Personal insults, accusations of malfeasance, speculation on players' other characters, and similar crap, do not suit that purpose.

Smoothwinds, you can stop vandalizing my comments now. For one thing, this is Wikipedia, everyone can see your edits, so all you're doing is displaying your level of maturity. (or lack thereof) And for another, I'm not the one who banned you from Nexus Forums. I didn't even delete your post threatening me. One of the admins decided that was out of line, not me. So go be immature all over someone else, 'k?

Worldwalker 15:23, 22 Jun 2005 (UTC)

NPOV Concerning Quota


I have re-written the entire paragraph dealing with the Shadows' disbanding and the Rangers' creation in terms of the quota. As I mentioned earlier, I thought that the whole paragraph was a mess. I have modified the structure as to reflect the requirements of subpaths first, and then to worry about the quota deal second. I also spun the "destroying role-play" comment - since it was significant - into something that was an opinion dictated by the Shadow elder and does not hold any fact. Please feel free to improve, but please don't toss this entire section's structure because of its reqirement for a neutral point-of-view. -Angler ( 14:26, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC))

Not just the Shadows


I think your changes make it seem like only the Shadows and/or Citian were unhappy with the quota. That's certainly not the case. Some people accepted it, some fought it, some have become resigned to it, some still hate it ... there's a wide range of opinion, not just that of the Shadow Elder. Plus the details of how the path was disbanded seem to be a bit of unnecessary detail, given that we're trying to keep this to a brief mention of the incident. We're writing an encyclopedia article, after all, not an whole encyclopedia!

I'll try tweaking that section a bit; see what you think of it.

Seems like Smoothwinds has gotten bored with his vandalism for now, but it might not be much of a tradeoff ... now you've got the infamous Worldwalker instead! :)

Worldwalker 16:10, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)


[edit], do you actually think that replacing an encyclopaedia article with random text "alskdfwoeinwefoinwe" is going to get you anywhere? I reverted the edit on this talk page in a matter of seconds. Please go find somewhere else to play.

We now have a much more important situation on our hands; the article's been locked and we can't unlock it until our disputes have been solved. Most importantly I think that trying to "shed a light" on this "corruption" in Nexus is no more than an immature ploy to "get back" at someone who you obviously have no power against in-game. I don't play the game anymore and it's starting to make me sick how you portray youself as a sheep... to me, you're more like a wolf in sheep's skin.

Let's get back to the basics here: everyone go pick up an encyclopaedia and start reading articles about... well, stuff. Notice how the writing style in (most) encyclopaedias is very passive and does not hold judgement -- for or against -- the topic that it's discussing. Notice also how encylopaedias have a fantastic history of reporting facts. Now that you've read a couple of articles, get it straight: the idea of an encyclopaeida -- any encyclopaedia at all, that is, including this one, is to present facts in a professional and neutral point of view. If you cannot contribute to this article in such a manner, find somewhere else on the wiki to spread your filth. -Angler ( 02:06, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC))



WorldWalker, you have quit Nexus Multiple times. I would like to know why you still care to argue about the game when obviously you dont care since you quit a few months ago. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by Munoya (talk • contribs) 09:34, 26 Jun 2005.

Corruption and opinions

Yes the artical was writtin by somebody who has partial grudges against those in the game. But what he stated in his original artical was all correct. Biased maybe, but no lies.

And that right there is why it doesn't belong in a Wikipedia article: Biased maybe... For those of you who still don't understand it, go read the Wikipedia documentation. The critical part: Articles should be written without bias... Your opinions, or my opinions for that matter, on what is or isn't destroying Nexus, are -- by your own admission -- biased.

-- oh you stupid stupid moron. it's your opinion that he was biased because you are biased in favor of marama. what he said was fact. plain and simple. he was showing the bad side of nexus without bias. it's your own bias that wants to squelch that truth.

As it is this site is not bound by any gaming rules, so what some of you have been doing is breaking the sites rules for your own ends.

This is not about the rules of Nexus. This is about the rules of Wikipedia, and the neutrality of Wikipedia, and about not letting one person, or a few people, or even the whole bloody population of Nexus if it comes down to that, use a Wikipedia article as their personal soapbox.

If you have an axe to grind with Kru Interactive, with Wony, with Marama, with a subpath elder, or with anyone else in the freaking game, then go build your own soapbox. Places like GeoCities give soapboxes away for free. Go build your own, and climb up on it, and say whatever you feel like, with as much bias as you care to put into it. But keep the advocacy, pro, con, or spinning in circles, off of Wikipedia.

In the end it is you who keep editing/deleting these articals who are at fault here. Hiding the truths and breaking this sites rules.

I've read the Wikipedia rules. They say things like "Articles should be written without bias" ... not "articles should be written to reflect the viewpoint of someone with an axe to grind." This article is about Nexus and what it is, not about what any one editor thinks of other players in the game.

I would strongly suggest that some of you scroll up a bit and read my post entitled "Wikipedia's Rules". (not to mention reading Wikipedia's rules themselves) It does not matter if someone writes "Marama is the Antichrist" or "Marama is the Messiah" -- either one would have to go. Neither is appropriate for a Wikipedia article. This is not about your or my or Smoothwinds' or anyone else's opinion of Marama. Nor of Tip. Nor of me, for that matter. This is not about my opinions of Eldridge (you want bias? I'll give you some bias!) or Rowann or Gildenstar. This is not about anyone's opinions of anyone ... or anything ... this is about getting as close to the facts as we can, and presenting them as neutrally as possible.


If people can't agree on whether or not to follow the Wikipedia rules about neutrality with regard to more recent events, perhaps we should include nothing past the departure of Eldridge. That seems to be the starting point for this whole controversy.

Worldwalker 03:55, 27 Jun 2005 (UTC)

P.S. Munoya, this is Wikipedia. If you can point me to the rule which says you must be a currently registered Nexus player to edit (or to care about) a Wikipedia article on Nexus, I'll read it. But so far, I haven't found any such rule. You are in no position to judge what I do or don't care about. So ram it.



How about I ram it up your boney ass? The preceding unsigned comment was added by Munoya (talk • contribs) 13:44, 29 June 2005.

Munoya: While it's true WorldWalker was being sort of confrontational, I'd like to remind you of Wikipedia:No personal attacks. Settle down. --Mr. Billion 29 June 2005 20:44 (UTC)

Enough Already


This is getting too carried away. And because of the fact it is an open discussion it makes it way too easy to abuse it. And frankly it is being abused by some. If you cant be mature enough to leave the original text alone, then you shouldnt even be posting here. Just makes some of you hyprocrits on the matter. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 13:55, 28 June 2005.



Just an Idea, a compromise, just add at the end something like "Since most of the head position are held by players, the game leave place to corruption" without going into who is corrupted and what have been done, and stay in fact mode instead of opinion...

Shurikn 7 July 2005 15:03 (UTC)

That's kind of pointless, really ... it's like saying "Since most of the members of (fill in national legislature of your choice) are human beings, it's possible that there is corruption." (assuming by "the game leave place" you mean "it is open to" or something) Or, for that matter, saying "The sun comes up in the morning." It's not adding anything. Yeah, some people can be venal and corrupt, and some can be supremely honorable and ethical. But opening the door to another edit war over which ones are which is, I think, counter-productive here.

Worldwalker 8 July 2005 04:08 (UTC)

Hello everyone. This is Soori. Some of you may know me from NexusForums or from in-game. Either way, I came to this article looking to improve it (I have dominated the DA article), and I find all of this!! How about this:

  • For starters, let's remove anything even remotely POV. Let's make this article into a perfectly non-biased, simply informative article about the game. Yes, that means no talk of corruption, no talk of who Archons are, and no bashing any player / Archon for any reason. In fact, don't even mention controversial issues. Simply state facts about the game, such as storyline, classes, and such things.
  • Once we've done that, let's have a rational discussion. EVERY issue can be easily presented in a non-biased, objective manner. For example, when talking about perceived corruption from the judges:
The Nexus Judicial system is run entirely by players. While this allows for greater player participation in the running of the game, there are people who believe the system to be corrupt, with players using their positions for their own personal gain and to harm opponents. One of the largest debates in the Nexus community today is as to the neutrality and fairness of the judicial system.

You see? We manage to present an argument without belittling anybody, and present it an objective, informative way. No names are mentioned. It is perfectly NPOV. If somebody goes "Ooh! I want to learn more!" then they can go and look it up elsewhere. Information that is not on Wikipedia does not need to follow NPOV standards. Information that is on Wikipedia DOES.

Think about it. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 19:26, 12 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nice idea, but every time we tried that, people vandalized the entry. Go look over the revision history. It's locked because some people felt it necessary to express their views with profanity, blanking, etc., etc. Some people want to use Wikipedia as their own personal soapbox to rant about what they think is wrong with Nexus, and do their best to ruin it for everyone else if they can't have their own way. And then there were a couple of people who got banned from Nexus Forums and decided to come here to demonstrate their maturity, or lack thereof.

You don't need to give us insulting lectures on NPOV. You need to come up with a way to stop the vandalism. Otherwise it's all kind of pointless.

Worldwalker 03:23, 13 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  • That actually wasn't directed to you since you understand the NPOV policies. It's more in the hope that some of the vandals will read it. My idea is to start by changing the article into pure information, with no commentary. Then, controversial issues can be worked over on the Talk page until an agreed-upon, NPOV section is created, at which point it can be entered into the actual article. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 04:46, 13 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Munoya and Smoothwinds, knock it off already. You have successfully demonstrated your level of maturity; Wikipedia doesn't need any further examples.

Worldwalker 21:38, 21 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Alright everyone...

In the hopes of helping out here, I have created a temporary page at User:Cabhan/Nexus. I have started by filling in basic information on the paths and subpaths. I'd like to create a good, NPOV article there, so that we can swap it in for the one we have here.

Here's what we need:

  • The storyline
  • Explanations of some common events

Lemme know if anyone thinks we need more sections. Feel free to go ahead and edit the page.

CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 22:35, 25 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Fellow wiki heads! Please remember that there are other sections and articles which you can contribute to - not just NexusTK.

Perhaps some of this information would be great in the MMORPG article for example.

Pretty please, do not be a griefer!


NexusTK was a great pioneer for MMORPGs and I for one am very impressed with the community aspect of this game. It allows a player not just to gain "hunting experience" but real life community building/interaction experience - in an "online/cyberspace" environment.

This "wiki" is also a pioneer in it's own field. It is quickly becoming an amazing free knowledge base. However, this place's success also greatly depends on online community building and interaction.

NexusTK meets Wiki


We as experienced NexusTK players should be one of the best groups in the world to contribute to such a project! I think the Wiki world and the NexusTK world have a lot to learn from eachother, so lets get started! :)

LentaLL / InTersTaTe


  • The first section, titled "Translating unaccepted content for other Articles, is ment to be a suggestion for those who wish to talk about MMORPG corruption or other inserts which were removed from this Article (NexusTK). The suggestion is that they could find other articles which their knowledge would fit into. Perhaps they could start a subsection in MMORPG for player powers and corruption. Perhaps there is a article on Pyschology where it talks about such things. This would allow them to share the knowledge they have gained from their experiences in nexus, in a more general way - that is to say, in a manner which talks about corruption and not in a way that it takes the form of personal attacks.

The second section, titled "Pretty please, do not be a griefer!", is ment to help these players see what they are using Wikipedia for. It is ment to help them see their actions in another light. It is also ment to encourage them to take on a different approach and why they might want to do so.

The third secion, titled "NexusTK meets Wiki", is ment to be further encouragment to use wikipedia in the form it was ment to be and to help them see it as the useful tool that it is. For NexusTK and vice versa.

I hope this clears up any confusion :)

LentaLL / Interstate


Uh oh

Ready for New Article?


I would like to urge everyone to view the page at User:Cabhan/Nexus and, if you accept it, to post here, that we might replace the current article.

If I receive no dissent within one week from today (September 13, 2005), I will contact an Admin to unprotect this page and replace it with the article at User:Cabhan/Nexus.

Please post your thoughts and add to that page!

-- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 21:41:40, 2005-09-06 (UTC)

Leave the whole "Diviners-controlling-everything" edits up! It's been a part of Nexus heritage for years upon years

Anything regarding the identity of the Archons is, in fact, quite unverifiable, and therefore has no place in this article. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 21:28, 15 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Controversy Section


In regards to fixing the controversy section, I would propose the following changes:

  • Remove the description of the Archons' duty, as this is covered in the Player Positions section.
  • Remove the character names of the Archons. As I have said before, this knowledge is ENTIRELY unverifiable, and therefore has no place here.
  • Remove the part about how Marama jailed people she had a grudge on. We have no idea why she jailed the people she did, and saying this is extremely POV.
  • Make everything about Marama more neutral. It is supposed to be factual and accurate reporting of events, and should not be tinged with personal feelings on the matter.

If no one responds to these within 5 days (that is, by January 17, 2006), I will go and make these changes. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 03:59, 13 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please do not, it's called "controversy" for a reason, it is what people observed in game which cannot be proven wrong. You should have seen the article last year, the whole thing was just bashing Marama, it's been fixed and those changed are absolutely unnecessary --XxNeXuSxX 05:26, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I am aware of the controversy surrounding Marama. However, such things are to be repoted neutrally and only with verifiable information. I have no problem including the information on the silly laws that she did, but it should be a description, not a persuasion. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 14:54, 17 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
You can't prove she didn't either, thats why it's listed under controversy, the definition supports it.--XxNeXuSxX 04:33, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with XxNeXuSxX in his statement. I feel the controversy section should reflect law 41 in the sense that it can be abused and create a conflict of interest. I also feel it should reflect some of the topics that have outraged a lot of the NexusTK community. The controversy section should not be watered down to make the Worldwalkers out there happy. I don't think any major change is necessary, other then a few rewordings.--Mildewdude 14:58, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Au contraire. Firstly, there is not a single scrap of evidence as to who the Archons are. Yes, I know the popular rumors. But seeing as how there is not a single source that can definitively say who they are, such information should not be included.


Some have went as far as to say the game is worse than it was when the previous GM Eldridge was running the game

Pure POV.


Anyone who has made an effort to speak out against the actions of Marama and Puella have been punished heavily

Who knows who was punished, and why. I can all but guarantee you that simply disagreeing with Marama caused instant punishment. If you can point me to the Scum board posts of such, then I will agree, but not until then.

Again this was written first hand by DarkMaverick.--XxNeXuSxX 02:15, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Reading the section, it seems very bitter to me. While controversy is to be reported on, it should be a simple report, and nothing further. In a bit, I'll post up a section here with what I feel is better, and we can all discuss a bit. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 20:05, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

My point was that the sections main points should stay, however if people feel that the controversy section needs rewriting then by all means. I just don't want to see it become watered down entirely. So please, if you choose to rewrite it, at least try to keep the main points of the current controversy section.--Mildewdude 15:18, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Dark Maverick was for simply saying he was drunk and fixed a PS2 by Marama, so that part is actually completely accurate, I really don't think any points need to be cleaned up --XxNeXuSxX 02:07, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I rewrote and Controversy Section and eliminated excessive details (I also moved it after the part player positions, I just felt it would be better suited there). I don't think it is neccessary to include awkward details - it isn't accomplishing anything. If I were running a game, I would give high positions to my friends. Why? Because I trust them. Go ahead and change it back if you want, but I found the section very immature. --Ventusmori 23:15, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

My apologies for a delayed response, but I have been busy. I propose the following section to replace the current Controversy section:

The game, of course, has not been without its own controversy. Central topics are perceived corruption in the actions of the Archons and others who run aspects of the game, and the subpath quota.
Controversy regarding the Archons centers around the actions of the current Archon Primogen, who goes by the handle "Marama". Shortly after Nexon U.S. (now known as Kru Interactive) broke from the Korean Nexon, Inc., it seems that Marama was given entire control over Game Master activities and responsibilities. However, her actions have received criticism from the Nexus community.
Shortly after receiving her privileges, Marama began to effect several changes to the in-game laws. The first of these was the banning of any mention of alcohol or tobacco products [1]. This move was extremely controversial due to the presence of alcohol in the game, as well as herb pipes that can be used to restore a character's Mana.
Marama was also criticized because she forbid posting on the community boards with a character name in all capital letters. Her rationale is that it was personally "annoying" to her. Such a rationale caused a fair amount of backlash on the community boards.
The Archons in general have also been subject to controversy because there is virtually no way to appeal an Archon's actions. The real characters of any Archon are unknown to the general populace, and it is in fact against in-game law to reveal such characters. In addition, it is reported that any and all requests to Kru Interactive regarding the actions of the Archons have been met with silence.
Controversy also appears around other, non-Archon, administrators of the game, such as Judges or Carnage Hosts. Charges run from favoritism, especially in the case of Carnages (whether a rule-breaking participant is banished, or if teams are unfairly balanced), to grudges, especially in the case of Judges who, it is claimed, tend to require less (or on occassion, no) evidence for the crimes of one they personally dislike.
Another area of extreme controversy is the subpath quota. In the original conception of the subpath program, subpaths were to be a haven for roleplay and a group in which like-minded roleplayers could play together. However, such freedom on the part of the subpaths led to admission requirements that some felt were extremely severe. Because the subpaths received special spells and items, there was a call to ease the requirements for admission. Nexon's response was the subpath quota.
In effect, the subpath quota requires that at least 10% of each path (Rogue, Mage, Poet, Warrior) be in each of the path's three player-run subpaths. In current statistics, this requires each subpath to maintain approximately 110 members at all times in order to remain in the game.
At the creation of the subpath quota, the Rogue Shadow subpath decided that giving into the quota would destroy too much of the group's roleplay, and therefore decided to instead disband the path. Such a decision has received a mixed response, with some applauding the group's decision and dedication to roleplay, and others accusing the group of taking the easy way out.
In either case, it cannot be denied that the subpaths have had to change their admissions requirements. The quota has also given rise to a new term ("Quota Diviner", for example) indicating a subpath member with poor roleplay abilities who was admitted entirely due to quota requirements. It is argued (usually by hardcore roleplayers or pre-quota subpath members) that the quota reduces roleplay quality, while others feel that it opens up an area of the game to those who may not have the time to fully experience it.

There we go. I need to check on the exact number of people required in a subpath, but overall, I feel that this covers the points in a far less biased manner.
Let me know what you think. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 03:30, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Very nice, I thought it was very well written and addresses the point without too much excessive bashing. I would like to see this changed ASAP (the one we have now is complete junk). Maybe you could include a part about non-archon corruption? With positions such as subpath elders and carnage hosts (or just about any position with some form of power), there is bound to be some sort of corruption. --Ventusmori 03:41, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I extended the quota by an extra paragraph, and added in a bit on the actions of non-Archon folk. I too feel that the current section up is rubbish. If no one complains about this, I intend to switch the paragraph on Sunday, January 29, 2006. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 20:00, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I have no problems with that Controversy section. Good stuff. --Mildewdude 19:56, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed, it's fine like that.--XxNeXuSxX 04:50, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Alrighty, I've gone and replaced the section, as it seems that we're in agreement. -- CABHAN TALK CONTRIBS 05:32, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I didn't get a chance to read the replacement section before it went up. I edited to made it easier to read and added some info that was missing. Most of it should be self-exlanatory. Since this whole section is POV I added some neutrality on paragraphs that were missing it. I left some paragraphs untouched (such as there being "virtually no way to appeal an Archon's action"). Since it's too ambiguous for me to discern what is meant by the paragraph. I assume that the paragraph is saying that Support Tickets are insufficient. But I will leave it for the original author to clarify.  :)

Kru 04:33, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kru's comments


Well duh. If you flat out ignore not only Support Tickets, but a player-organized effort to mail in postcards expressing outrage over Archon behavior, then that most certaintly means there is "virtually no way to appeal an Archon's actions"-- and it's true!--Teram9 02:41, 8 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]


You MAY NOT delete other's people comments in the Talk section. Stop, thank you.--XxNeXuSxX 03:46, 6 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Nonsense sentance


paragraph 13 of "Controversy": 'Kru later never fixed this problem.'

Nominated for cleanup


Nominated the page for cleanup. INBN 17:25, 20 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Stop removing controversy


I don't care if KRU doesn't want you to know their little secrets about player corruption, this page is supposed to be based on the facts, not just what KRU or Nexon wants you to know about. Wikipedia isn't censored, so this page shouldn't be either. (I wouldn't be too suprised if a KRU employee removed the controversy section themselves. They've been known to have 'failed attempts' at hiding the truth many times.) DietLimeCola 21:28, 5 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

ADDITION: Amen. I have worked as an assistant (paid position) GM on NKOTW as well as an archon, and I can attest to most of the point currently in the article under Controversy. I can prove I was the Archon ********* (redacted) through corespondence and screenshots comtemporaneous to these events. I can also be reached by email (message me at this IP). These points are _very_ important to anyone seeking knowledge of the game. They are selling a product, the product is rife with deceit, cheating and abuse by those in charge. Any corporation, be it Nexon, Ford Motors, Coca-Cola etc. should be exposed when it abuses its customers, and former employee/whistle blowers are the best suppliers of that inside info. I am willing to back up my assertions.

"Abuse of Judges and Archons Positions"


I'd like to see some sort of update on the matter - Vini is no longer Head judge and Marama is no longer in control. It is unfair to leave the comment "... and is predicted to lead to the eventual end of the game as a viable product" because not only is it meaningless conjecture (Predicted by who, exactly?), but because the times have obviously changed. Nexus is no longer corrupt as it once was, and it's not worth ending the section sounding as if this outdated corruption is still occuring.

--added to "abuse of judges etc." discussion:

the person who played Vini _does_ however still play Neul, and is the "justice archon" formerly known as the Justicar. The speculation may be misplaced, but past corruption is still valid as information about the game of which consumers or people interested in the history of the game should be aware- they can then make their own judgements about the viability of the game

Well, someone replaced the speculation about "will lead to the end of the game" or whatever in "Controversy". I do agree such speculation is probably not suitable for a Wiki entry. Raphaelaarchon 09:09, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

added: interesting how the "Vini" info keeps being deleted but the other Controversy is no longer vandalized.



Who keeps adding this crap about Gnoff having affairs with other girls? I used to be a carnage host, knew him for about a year, and I have gotten no information towards this theory, and everyone I know hasn't either. So cut it out, I don't care if you like him or not, it isn't true.

Another thing I'd like to point out is the obvious vandalism to this page due to POV. This page has gotten really ridiculous edits, and just because you don't like a player in a game, or like or dislike a feature in a game, doesn't mean you can use your personal POV as a fact. I hate that... er, I hate Sindella, but do you see me vandalizing the page? No, I just stick to the facts of what happened. DietLimeCola 20:53, 15 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Some of the music in Nexus are actually classic East Asian songs. The music differs from town to town. Does anyone know the titles of any of the songs? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 06:49, 7 May 2007 (UTC).[reply]

Fair use rationale for Image:Nexustklogo.jpg


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BetacommandBot 11:39, 7 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Sarina was Marama. Vini was Neul. Tip was Pueulla.

Removed Sa San Massacre


The Sa San Massacre portion was written in satire. I removed it entirely. It is not an actual event, and only players would get its humor. But for the sake of wikipedia rules, it does not cite any news references related to any "massacre" or protest. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Mhulofkoguryo (talkcontribs) 00:46, 2 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Oh how so cute

Changed to external link  —Preceding unsigned comment added by Int3rnaut (talkcontribs) 05:54, 15 March 2009 (UTC)[reply] 

Windows Vista?


Is this game not compatible with Windows Vista? NorthernThunder (talk) 04:42, 15 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

If it is, there's no mention of it on the [KRU system requirements|http://www.kru.com/tk.html] page linked in the article. Perhaps someone could find an updated system requirements list that has Vista on it? I don't think the linked page is kept up-to-date and may not reflect the current status of the game. --Eliahna (talk) 12:31, 16 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Private Servers


Why are the references regarding the Private servers constantly taken down? Runegard and company are factual Private servers. Shouldn't there be factual proof placed on this site? Isn't the information relevant? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Int3rnaut (talkcontribs) 21:58, 30 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Sothicus gave the reason when he removed the links :

Removed sites. The sites in question are both offering infringing works, and shouldn't be linked to.)

WP:ELNEVER is the relevant Wikipedia policy on External Links. It states:

Material that violates the copyrights of others per contributors' rights and obligations should not be linked. Linking to websites that display copyrighted works is acceptable as long as the website has licensed the work. Knowingly directing others to material that violates copyright may be considered contributory copyright infringement. If you know that an external website is carrying a work in violation of the work's copyright, do not link to that copy of the work. Linking to a page that illegally distributes someone else's work sheds a bad light on Wikipedia and its editors. This is particularly relevant when linking to sites such as YouTube, where due care should be taken to avoid linking to material that violates copyright.

The private servers are in breach of copyright. They are not licensed or endorsed by the game's owners. This is why the links to the private servers keep being removed. Frankly, I think the whole section ought to be removed. I don't believe there's any value in mentioning the infringing servers in an encyclopaedic article about Nexus. --Eliahna (talk) 05:17, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

System Requirements


The system requirements seem to be a little outdated. Are we sure the requirements to play the game are really as specified? I find it a little hard to believe that a user with a 28.8k modem can play the game.

I used to play from Beta to before the release of 5.0, and even with a 56k modem it was difficult. --CABEGOD 03:58, 16 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

There is a citation on the system requirements, and it goes right to the system requirements page on the Kru website. If the listed devices are outdated or in error, it's the official site that is to blame. Eliahna (talk) 04:10, 18 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Emulated servers



"As the case of Lotus v. Borland demonstrates, recreating "methods of operation" is not a copyright infringement.[dubious – discuss] Thus, emulating copyrighted material is not a breach.[dubious – discuss] However, this demands that the complete emulator is a work of its own."

The server is 100% work on it's own. It's written in complete C and runs a hell of a lot faster than the real server. This is factual information and no infringement.

That may be so, but it does not comply with our policy, here on wikipedia, as I quite clearly explained on your talk page. Please read through all the policies I linked you before trying to add it again.— dαlus Contribs 08:46, 26 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Addressing my comments to
The emulated server is, at the least, in violation of the NexusTK EULA which states:
"1. You agree to use the Client Software solely for the purpose of accessing and playing within Kru Interactive Games.
2. You acknowledge that the Client Software contains trade secrets, copyrighted works and other proprietary materials of Kru Interactive. You further agree not to make any unauthorized copies of the Client Software or to decompile, reverse engineer or, in any other manner, disassemble or modify the Client Software"
Source: http://www.nexustk.com/agreement.htm

The emulated server's FAQ states that you must download and install the NexusTK client and a Launcher to access the emulated server. As the emulated server apparently uses a modification to the NexusTK client in violation of the EULA to allow access to their own server, I don't think it is honest to say it is 100% independent.
Information about emulated servers has no relevance in an article about NexusTK. I would not expect to read a biography of an Elvis impersonator within the main article on Elvis Presley, and I do not expect to read about independent emulated servers in an article about NexusTK. The promotional nature of the edits you made and the prominence you gave them within the article are also completely unjustifiable, as you placed the emulated server information above all the content on the primary game.
It is Wikipedia policy that says your edits have no place in this article, as linked to by Daedalus on your talk page. Your beef is with Wikipedia policy, not the individual editors who remove the content you post that violates that policy. — Eliahna (talk) 07:12, 27 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I want users of Wikipedia.com enjoy its root services. If you are kind please tell me what graphic composition progs./apps I can use, probably free, withoud doing printscreens in the game. I suggest a personal reply at my@fordt_ns@yahoo.com-- (talk) 22:58, 16 February 2012 (UTC)! and wait responses[reply]

afterall not everyone affords $119windows7 !!!! (talk) 23:07, 16 February 2012 (UTC)true?[reply]



A NexusTK Private Server.


MornaTK is a new NexusTK Private Server.

4 Paths: Fighter, Scoundrel, Wizard, and Priest.

3 Specializations per path.

Your decisions will determine your alignment. Good, Neutral, and Evil.

Full in Game Quest Log: Available, Begun, and Completed Quests.

Full customized builds from spell selections to stat placement.

Press 'o' on objects to interact with them. From a message to collecting an item.

Press F1 to view SP system, Quest Log, Character Status, and much more.

New Vending system so players can host small shops while afk that other players can interact with.

Come check us out in game or the facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1686577578269800/?ref=bookmarks — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:35, 3 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]


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