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User:Gwalla/WWE World Cruiserweight Title

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unable to compile EasyTimeline input:

EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 6 errors found
Line 2: id:HELD value:red legend:Title held by wrestler

- Invalid attribute 'by' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pair(s).

Line 2: id:HELD value:red legend:Title held by wrestler

- Invalid attribute 'wrestler' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pair(s).

Line 2: id:HELD value:red legend:Title held by wrestler

- Invalid attribute 'held' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pairs.

Line 3: id:VACANT value:blue legend:Title vacant

- Invalid attribute 'vacant' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pairs.

Line 8: Period = from:3/20/1996 till:6/04/2005

- Period attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date does not conform to specified DateFormat 'mm/dd/yyyy'.

Line 11: PlotData =

- PlotData invalid. No (valid) command 'Period' specified in previous lines.